Friday, August 13, 2004

What's this world coming to?

The other day I was watching TV and I was shocked to see a commercial for a brand of deodorant in which a man, the "boss", is looking for his employee. He goes into his office to find he's not there. He says something, the guy comes out from under his desk, they talk, and when the boss leaves, a woman comes out from under the desk as well. This is just one example of a growing trend to use sex to sell a product. (Okay, maybe not "growing" but certainly more obvious use) It truly appalls me to see such advertisements.

To think that I am going to buy deodorant, shampoo or a car because a commercial features sexual overtones is an insult to my intelligence (and to yours). Believe it or not, most people buy a product because it works. Why, with all our education and creativity, do advertisers fail to find a better ways to advertise products?

And we wonder why so many young women and girls are getting pregnant and having children out of wedlock. Could it be because society is making casual sex more acceptable? Why do we allow it?